Easter Season Service Schedule

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week.

Castlegar will have coffee and Fellowship following the Service.

Maundy Thursday Service will be at St. Peter in Castlegar at 6:00 pm.

Good Friday Service at Peace in Trail at noon.

Palm  Sunday Services and Easter Sunday Services will be held at each Church at their regular scheduled times.


Muffin Sunday at Peace Church
We are getting together for coffee, tea, delectables, and fellowship  after worship services on the second Sunday of each month. Come and enjoy!

Please connect to the above link from the Lutheran Church of Canada for the guidance provided by our synod for home worship.

Please click on the following link for a guide on how to do home devotions:



Pastor Abresch can be reached at 250 921-5802

by email at: Peace.StPeter@gmail.com

St. Peter Lutheran Church in Castlegar BC

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Peace Lutheran Church in Trail BC

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